Our Classes

Fundamental Energy Techniques

This Beginner’s course was developed with the intent to provide basic information needed to manage one’s personal energy. This information is useful to everyone, as every person has an energy field around and within them. However, this is critical knowledge to empaths, psychics, and anyone working in the healing or magical arts. Topics to be covered will include: Grounding, Centering, Energy Balls, Energy Shielding, and Defensive Shielding. **This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Reiki I

Level 1 Usui Reiki training is open to anyone interested in Reiki and will open the energy channels in the body. The Reiki I class will allow the student to connect to the universal life force energy to provide healing energy. You will learn about the history of Reiki, receive an attunement and will learn hands-on Reiki. This will include instruction in proper hand positions for treatment of yourself and others. **This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Reiki II

Usui Reiki II deepens the connection to Reiki energy allowing it to flow through the practitioner with a greater intensity. Practitioners will be taught 4 Reiki symbols. Reiki symbols contain vibrations and codes to assist in the healing process of yourself and others. Level 2 practitioners will also be taught how to send Reiki to anyone, anywhere in the world regardless of distance, space or time. **Prerequisites: Completion of Reiki I certification at least 30 days prior to the Reiki II class. If Reiki I was completed through a different instructor, proof of completion must be provided.

Reiki Master

In Usui Reiki III/Master class you will learn the Master symbol which is the most powerful symbol that facilities healing on all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This attunement will further deepen a practitioners experience with the Reiki energy to a greater degree. The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many and you don’t necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. Becoming a Reiki Master implies that you will be able to initiate others into Reiki. We will spend time in class helping you to practice the complete training and prepare you to teach students in all degrees including Reiki Master. **Prerequisites: Completion for Reiki II at least 90 days prior to the Reiki III/Master class. If Reiki II was completed through a different instructor, proof of completion must be provided. You must also complete a Master’s project and at least 30hrs of Reiki work, which can be a combination of distance and hands-on. Please contact me for more details on the Master’s project.


Seichim/Sekhem Reiki is a form of Universal energy that was originally used for healing purposes in Ancient Egypt. This energy heals on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, with a focus on the heart center. It is similar to Reiki but operates on a higher vibration and heals on a deeper level. Seichim/Sekhem Reiki helps balance the mind and emotions and enhances the ability to assist in self-healing and self-love. This course will last 6 hours, will learn several new symbols, their uses and hands on practice in using them and will certify you as a Seikim/Sekham Reiki Master. **Prerequisites: You must be a USUI Reiki Master to take this course.

Foundations of Numerology

The science of numerology was discovered thousands of years ago, and its concepts have been proven time and time again: Numbers carry their own energies, and their vibrations affect our lives both directly and indirectly. This beginner’s class to numerology will provide you with the information you need to start interpreting your numerology and the one of your friends and family. **This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Mediumship Basics

This Beginner’s course was developed with the intent to provide basic information on Mediumship. This class will cover an understanding of what Mediumship is, provide methodologies and tips for connecting and the types of readings you can conduct. Knowledge of grounding and shielding is recommended for this course.

House Clearing

This Advanced course will provide a comprehensive introduction into the process to follow and skills needed to cleanse one’s personal residence of unwanted energies, whether it be a house, an apartment or even a dorm room. Topics covered will include the use of salt and white sage in the cleansing process and the need for both spiritual and portal investigations. It is required that you know how to use a pendulum for this class, but you are not required to bring one with you. Materials will not be provided for this course; however, you will be provided with a suggested materials list that you can use to purchase the items you need to do your own home cleansing. **Knowledge of how to use a pendulum is required for this course.

Advanced Energy Techniques

This Advanced course is designed for those who wish to advance their knowledge of how to improve their energy. We will be working with Chakras, Chakra Breathing, Auras, Auric Cleansing, Handling Energy Parasites, Cord Cuttings and Wards. This information is useful to everyone, as every person has an energy field around and within them. However, this is critical knowledge to empaths, psychics, and anyone working in the healing or magical arts. **Knowledge of grounding, centering energy balls and shielding is required for this course.

Basics of Magic

This Beginner’s class is intended for those people who are new to magical practice and are looking for a place to start. We will cover several different areas of magic and will take you through three very simple but different types of spells. The course cost will include all materials needed for in-class spell work. **Please note- This class is being taught from a religious neutral perspective and anyone of all faiths are welcome. Magic can be used with any spiritual tradition and the class is taught in a way that allows you to bring your own spirituality into your magic. **This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Make Your Own Runes Set Class

Have you ever wanted to learn how to read runes? Do you like hands on activities? If you said yes to both, then this class is for you. During this class we will make a complete set of Elder Futhark Runes for divination purposes. You will also be given an introductory knowledge on the meanings of the runes and how to do a few simple readings with them. All materials will be supplied for this class. You just need to arrive ready to learn and have fun! **This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Communicating and Working with Guides

This Advanced course will provide an overview of the types of guides including animals, humans and higher energy beings. We will discuss methods of communicating with your guides and ways you can work more directly with your guides in your personal development. This class will be taught from a religious neutral perspective and all faiths are welcome. **This class will not include a personal guide identification. Knowing your guides is helpful for this course but is not required. **Knowledge of how to use a pendulum is required for this course.


This Beginner’s course will provide a comprehensive introduction into the selection, use and care of a pendulum. The topics to be covered in this training will include: what pendulums are, how to choose your pendulum, how to communicate with it, how to care for it, how to obtain information with it, as well as working with chakras and portals. A pendulum is not required for this course; however, if you have one, please bring it with you. This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Symbols, Sigils and Wards

This Advanced Magic course will provide an overview of symbols, sigils and wards, the differences between them and how each of them are used. Each of these provides different methods of use. This advanced class requires a rudimentary understanding of magical concepts and it is recommended that you know how to use a pendulum.

Intuitive Tarot Reading

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction into Tarot cards and how to read them intuitively. This class will run for 5 weeks to provide the 10 hours of instruction as well as a workbook designed specifically for this course. Topics covered include: Selection and Care of Cards, History of the Tarot, Major Arcana, The Minor Arcana, How to Do Readings and Simple Spreads, Lengthier Spreads, Couple’s Readings, Setting the Stage, Lifetime, Past Life and Year Long Spreads. A Mini Version of the Tarot Reading class is also available. Price is $120 and meets the first three meeting dates only. **This is a Beginner’s class, no prior knowledge required.

Please note: The full class is designed for those intending to read tarot for the public, the mini class is intended for those intending to read for friends and family only.

Understanding and Developing Your Gifts

This Advanced class will help you identify your Clairs as well as which major gift groups your gifts fall in. Topics include an overview of the Clairs, gift categories, gift identification, gift development and gift management. This course is very helpful for people who wish to expand their gifts as well as those who are overwhelmed by their gifts. Knowing your gifts is helpful for this course but is not required. Knowledge of how to use a pendulum is required for this course.

Animal Reiki I

In Animal Reiki I class you will learn aspects of the animal chakra systems, proper hand placement for some more common species and signs to look for while working with them. Since this course requires you to already have your Reiki I certification, it will not include an attunement and will be informational only. An Animal Reiki I certificate will be provided at the completion of the course. **Prerequisites: You must have proof of Usui Reiki I certification.

Animal Reiki II

In Animal Reiki II class you will learn aspects of working on animals from a distance and we will discuss behavioral traits and strategies when working with dogs, cats and horses. In addition, utilization of tools, such as pendulums, color therapy and gem waters, in your work. Since this course requires you to already have your Reiki II certification, it will not include an attunement and will be informational only. An Animal Reiki II certificate will be provided at the completion of the course. **Prerequisites: You must have proof of Usui Reiki II certification and Animal Reiki I certification.

Animal Reiki Master

In Animal Reiki I class you will learn how and when to attune animals and will learn the Animal Master Symbol. We will also build on your knowledge of working with pets and livestock by discussing strategies for working with wildlife. You will also learn Ho’oponopono to support the healing of the animal on a deeper level. In addition, you will learn how to hold space with animals and their owners as they reach their life's end and assist with Reiki during Euthanasia. Since this course requires you to already have your Usui Reiki Master certification, it will not include an attunement and will be informational only. An Animal Reiki Master certificate will be provided at the completion of the course. **Prerequisites: You must have proof of Usui Reiki Master certification and Animal Reiki II certification.

To register for an Online Class or a Class offered outside of NY State, please text or email me for the registration link.